The mission of Baldwin Hills Elementary Pilot & Gifted Magnet School, a culturally and linguistically diverse community, is to work in partnership with the children, families and community we serve in order to provide a strong academic, ethical, and culturally responsive education with measurable results.
"Anchored and grounded in strengths from our pasts, poised and ready to soar." -School Motto
Baldwin's unique approach to a culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy
is supported by the non-traditional three-in-one school model.
Pilot School
Allows autonomy to develop weekly teacher-led professional development specific to measurable goals, teacher collaboration, and the needs of the children. Weekly Professional Learning Communities. Participate in Common Planning, and have bi-monthly grade-level Collaboration time. After-school book club intentionally focused on literature reflecting our students' school and life experiences.
Gifted & High Ability Magnet
Offers enriched interdisciplinary academic environments that are exciting and challenging, and encourages students to use creative/critical thinking skills. Both serve students who demonstrate the ability or strong potential to work two years above grade level in academic subjects.
Community School
Provides a rich and varied academic program, allowing students to acquire foundational and advanced knowledge and skills in many content areas. Students learn with challenging, culturally relevant materials that address their learning needs and expand their experience. Learning and enrichment activities are provided before and after the regular school day, including sports, the arts, and homework assistance. Parents and families are supported through adult education that is responsive to their emerging needs.
Baldwin’s undeniable success and progress towards ending the marginalization of Black, Brown, and low-income students:
2015 - Pilot School status awarded
2020 - California Distinguished School for Closing the Achievement Gap
2021 - Community Schools model awarded
2022 - Distinguished Educators Award, Central Cities Association for Gifted and Talented Children
2022 - Bright Spots: Schools and Organizations Cultivating Black Youth Excellence in Los Angeles
Education Results Partnership (ERP) Honor Roll
Enrichment classes elevate Baldwin's curriculum adding
intellectual, physical, and creative stimulation for all students.